Playing It Too Safe
You may have lost your first love and, while that may have been decades ago, you may find yourself pushing and pulling in your recent relationships when you really want to feel settled and loved.
Your subconscious mind may be working very hard to protect you from the implied feeling of potential loss, when in fact, it is keeping you stuck in a repetitive cycle of hurt. When the underlying fear is assuaged, you will find yourself free to love in a way that your old belief systems thought wasn’t possible.

My goal is to help you create
Meaningful Relationships
on a deeper, more fulfilling level.

Creating Connection
Would you like to relate to others in way that gives you a richer life?
Whether you are going through a painful break up, a divorce, or just want to get along better with your boss, your sibling, or a parent, you can shift your perception so quickly, it is amazing.
Even if you doubt whether you can ever enjoy a peaceful relationship with a particular person, chances are you can — and you will — and while doing so you can laugh at the crazy dysfunction of it all.
And while you are laughing, we may discover that you have been engaging in a repetitive relationship pattern that would be really fun to live without.
Moving Out of a Life of Lack
You may have relationships where you feel obsessed with feelings of jealousy, not feeling included, or good enough. You may have had therapy and realized that your feelings are from your experience in your family as a child.
Knowing and understanding your feelings are great, but changing your experience so that you can be in the moment as it is — instead of repeating painful emotions that no longer serve you — is emotional freedom.

With other breakups, I fell like a house of cards. This time I am having fun and feeling more authentic!
My life is much brighter now! Thank you for helping me through my Good-Bye Johnny Dance.