Pregnancy and Childbirth
Feeling Overwhelmed
If you feel challenged with getting pregnant, we can explore your thoughts, and create a hypnosis that speaks directly to your subconscious mind in a way that is perfect you. Many women conceive after enjoying the deep relaxation of hypnosis, while creating images of receptivity and fertility, or releasing an unconscious fear.
Suffering Loss
Maybe you have lost a baby and now you are pregnant and your mind gets stuck in a negative loop about what could go wrong. A hypnosis recording allows your mind to be peacefully in the present, while anticipating, without fear, your desired outcome.
The Process
A session begins with you telling me what you are experiencing. As we observe areas which are highly charged for you, we do EFT together. (EFT is an acronym for Emotional Freedom Technique, and emotional freedom is what you will experience.) It is easy and painless and you will go home with the skill to use it on your own.
The next step is creating recordings for you. For some women I make something for them to listen to before they go to the hospital (the hotel where you get to leave with a baby). My clients often listen to their recording during labor, and even find the wording playing through their mind, when they are no longer able to listen.
My goal is that your experience
of pregnancy and childbirth
will be full of joy.

My Story
While I was pregnant with my first daughter, I had to be hospitalized for my inability to stop vomiting. I thought I had food poisoning. The doctor’s suggestion that maybe I really didn’t want to have a baby was not a positive experience. Some of you may have been the recipient of even more unfortunate judgement from those that cannot relate.
Hidden Triggers and Fears
Sometimes we can be afraid that we haven’t taken optimal care of ourselves. We worry about gaining too much weight, of passing on our body issues to our child, or that we won’t have enough love for the second, or third child.
Abuse issues, or family dysfunction, even though you may have already worked on them, may be triggered unexpectedly during pregnancy, labor, and birth. Together we can resolve unconscious body memories that you might experience as uncomfortable feelings of tension, anger, or distrust.
Hypnosis for a Calmer Birth
Whether you are pregnant, trying to get pregnant, have had a birthing experience that was less than ideal, are struggling with IVF issues, or need some assistance as you grieve the loss of a pregnancy, the work I do is highly beneficial.
While I do not do hypnobirthing, I love to create sessions and recordings that are specific to you and your situation. This is a highly personal and emotional issue for women. We need support when we feel betrayed by our bodies or a medical professional says something to us that leaves us reeling.

Audio Library
If you are feeling overwhelmed and can't seem to find the time to schedule a session, I have a growing library of digital files to choose from on this topic and others.
Just wanted to let you know that I ended up delivering by planned c-section due to breech position and it was a wonderful, calm and joyful experience!! Thank you! I know our sessions made a huge difference in how calm I felt.
When I got to the hospital the nurses expected to send me home because I was so relaxed. They couldn’t believe I was already dilated 7cm. Thank you for your help.